Weekly Notes February 10, 2013

Barred Owls, Spalted Maple, Bald-faced Hornets and Nemo all in this week’s Maine Nature News.

Barred Owl – Scarborough (Map 3)

On February 15 I looked out the kitchen window and saw a gray object on the stand a few yards away where we put left-overs of one sort or another. Thinking it was a gray squirrel I didn’t pay much attention. After a few minutes I decided to take another look. It was a Barred […]

Molunkus and Wytopitlock (Map 44)

We had a great ride home after visiting friends at their camp. A barred owl sat in the middle of the road dining on what I think was a mouse in Molunkus. In Wytopitlock, a small bobcat crossed the road in front of us, zig zagged as a rabbit does and finally went into the […]