The vernal equinox is Mother Nature’s way of keeping time, balancing the forces of cold and dark with warmth and light.
Weekly Notes – October 20, 2013
Fall is all about color and I have found some butterflies and blossoms still lingering in amongst the fallen leaves not to mention the brook trout are spawning.
Weekly Notes, March 24, 2013
Turkey Vultures and American Woodcock are on the move north despite winter leaving the State of Maine with a fresh coat of snow, last Sunday’s sky show was spectacular and a view of the earth from space in this week Maine Nature News.
Rangeley (Map 28)
Turning off the light to go to bed last night, I looked out the window and saw the clouds parting to reveal the northern lights. KB
Northern Lights
This morning, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory recorded a halo CME emerging from the vicinity of sunspot 1054: (movie at link). The cloud appears to be heading toward Earth and it could spark geomagnetic storms when it arrives on or about March 17th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. RE Click here for […]