Snowshoe Hare have unique adaptations for winter survival.
Quoddy Nature Notes – Baxter versus Quoddy
My first visit to Baxter State Park was in 1965, when I camped with some friends at Chimney Pond and spent one day making the loop up to the peak by the Cathedral Trail, over the Knife Edge and back, and another day working with the staff in an unsuccessful search for some lost campers. […]
Nature in the Quoddy Region
Rabbit with Ticks
In the Quoddy Region: This snowshoe hare has at least seven ticks on its face. Fewer ticks than normal were killed during the mild winter and reappeared in late winter rather than spring.
Quoddy Nature Notes – Seasonal Foods
Seasonal Foods by Fred Gralenski With the summer winding down here in the Quoddy region it’s interesting to note the changing diet of the critters as some their foodstuff items have gone by, others are still available and some are just starting to ripen. From my perspective this year was not a good year for […]