Weekly Notes – April 21, 2013

Honey bees, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Ice-out, a visit to the Maine Wildlife Park and Nature Journals in this week’s Maine Nature News.

Weekly Notes February 10, 2013

Barred Owls, Spalted Maple, Bald-faced Hornets and Nemo all in this week’s Maine Nature News.

Tiger Beetles – Pembroke (Map 37)

Tiger beetles are one of my favorite bugs. This one, the six spotted tiger beetle, was running around on my front step crunching ants with his massive jaws. This is a mating pair of tiger beetles, probably Oblique lined tiger beetles. He hangs on to the female for quite a while after mating to insure […]

Quoddy Nature Notes – Earwigs

Emily’s Secret Earwigs are not talked about in genteel company. Earwigs are associated with garbage and trash, and because of their ugly, dark countenance and menacing pincers they are feared and despised. An ancient myth was that earwigs would sneak into a person’s ear, bore into the brain and set up housekeeping. In modern times […]