Maine Nature News, a weekly online periodical updated on Tuesdays, covers natural history events, occurrences and observations in Maine. It will be successful with your support. Besides those given below, are there other natural history-related Web sites of educational and other non-profit organizations that you suggest? Please e-mail your suggestions. Also, I invite you to e-mail your reports of observations on any aspect of Nature in Maine.
Web hot lines/information servers
Auroral Forecast Page (Geophysical Institute) Makes a map customized to your location.
- Aurora Page (Michigan Technical University)
Maine Audubon Bird Alert is available at this Web site.
U.S. Geological Survey Information Servers Earthquake information, Volcano Observatory, etc.
Web resources for Maine natural history
Androscoggin Land Trust
The Androscoggin Land Trust is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) membership-supported organization dedicated to protecting, through land conservation and stewardship, the important natural areas, traditional landscapes, and outdoor experience along the central Androscoggin River corridor. We currently conserve over 3,100 acres of land, including over eight miles of riverfront along the Androscoggin River.
Checklist of Maine Birds. Maine Audubon Society’s checklist of 331 birds.
East Penobscot Bay Nature Education Resource Directory Names of groups and individuals “who can teach students and curious residents about the natural world in the East Penobscot Bay area.”
Friends of Merrymeeting Bay To preserve, protect, and improve the unique ecosystems of Merrymeeting Bay.
Friends of Sunkhaze Meadows Web site of a nonprofit association founded to support the mission of Sunkhaze Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, a wildlife sanctuary with mixed habitat of forest bordering wetlands and a peat bog. It includes information in some detail on the birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish and insects found there.
Maine Audubon
Maine Birding Societies – links to all or most of these societies and clubs, with annotations.
Maine Black Fly Breeders Association “With humor still being the number one priority of the group today, it also has a serious side … We hold many fund raising efforts for local charities during the calendar year… part of the National Heritage Foundation which is a tax deductible foundation.”
Maine Cooperative Snow Survey
Maine Department of Conservation Fall Foliage Report
Maine Environmental News Links to newspaper articles and information in other media, compiled irregularly by the Maine Environmental Policy Institute (MEPI), an independent nonprofit organization based in Hallowell, Maine. Its mission is “to help Mainers understand the importance of healthy ecosystems to their families and communities.”
Maine Entomological Society Their goal is to be as complete a clearinghouse as possible for entomological data and information in the state, with links to Web sites that apply to the insect and terrestrial arthropod fauna of Maine.
Maine Geological Survey
Maine Land Trust Network
Maine Mycological Association
Maine National Wildlife Refuges – within a comprehensive list of Maine parks, lakes and beaches
Maine tropospheric ozone forecast (Maine Dept. of Environmental Protection)
Maine Zone forecasts (Maine Emergency Management Agency/National Weather Service)
Medomak River Watershed, A Natural Resource Inventory
National Biological Service-Branch of Migratory Bird Research
National Estuary Program-Northeast Region
Stanton Bird Club (Lewiston-Auburn, Maine)
Tide Tables for Maine
Web resources for natural history (general)
= Symbol for web site offering mammal, reptile, bird or insect sounds
Amphibians U.S. Geological Survey
Astronomical computation (U.S. Naval Observatory) Sunset and sunrise times, moonrise and moonset times, and twilight for your locality. Lunar phases.
Bat Conservation International
MaineEndangered Species Lists
Animal Diversity Web
Fogler Library, University of Maine. Research Guide: Ornithology. Selective guide to ornithological information resources available in Fogler Library, through the Fogler Library home page, and elsewhere on the World Wide Web.
Mammal Index Smithsonian National Zoological Park
Monarch Watch
Owl Pages An Australian site with worldwide coverage, including photographs and sounds. Links to other owl sites.
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. Operated by the research institute for wildlife science of the U.S. Geological Survey. Site includes the Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter which has photographs, songs, videos, identification tips, maps, and life history information for North American birds.
Smithsonian Institution-Museum of Natural History
Wild-Flowers Wildflower identification, photography, associations and other Web links. Provided by Garden Web.