We have three members of the Procyonidae family in the US, but only the raccoon, Procyon lotor, is here in the Quoddy region, as well as throughout the country and through Central America and southern Canada. The raccoon (or ‘Espons’ in my Passamaquoddy Reference Book) is native only to the Western hemisphere, but has been […]
Robin’s Journal – Raccoons, Skunk & One Big Mess
My day started at 3:30 am Saturday when I heard chickens in distress. Raccoon! It had to be a raccoon. I let the three dogs out, put my boots on and grabbed a flashlight. The dogs were around the bantam pen. By the time I walked the 30-feet from the house to the pen, Ava, […]
September, 2009
Volume 14, No. 9 What Is It? We have answers! Over the last three weeks I have gone to all my usual spots looking for milkweed plants. NONE! The dried stems from last year are there but none from this season at all. This is in the Biddeford/Saco area. Anyone else notice this? JB September […]