Hoarfrost, horned larks and horned grebes, Maquan and fisher tracks, but not necessarily in that order in this weeks Maine Nature News.
January 20, 2013 Weekly Nature News
Highlight of the week was in Woodland Dma&g Map 64 – when Harry McCarthy observed 4 lynx in his yard. Lynx sightings are increasing due to a healthy population in Northern Maine and these handsome wild cats are not as shy as their smaller cousins, the Bobcat found elsewhere throughout the state. Read more here…. […]
September, 2009
Volume 14, No. 9 What Is It? We have answers! Over the last three weeks I have gone to all my usual spots looking for milkweed plants. NONE! The dried stems from last year are there but none from this season at all. This is in the Biddeford/Saco area. Anyone else notice this? JB September […]