It seems that winter refuses to release it’s frigid grip on Maine. Not many observations of migrants this past week, but the year-round resident birds aren’t letting the cool temperatures interrupt their plans. Ice is disappearing, Big Lake located near Princeton Dma&g map 35-36 reported Ice-out on the 6th and inland and northern rivers are experiencing the annual ice flow. Canoe races are on every weekend, be certain to stay safe while enjoying the fun.
Bald Eagles are incubating 1-3 eggs on their nests high in the forks of trees or cliffs. Bald Eagles reach sexual maturity at 4-6 years and mate for life. Photographer Paul Cyr has been following a pair for the past few months and captured some amazing photographs. This pair has nested north of Presque Isle on Dma&g map 65. More of Paul’s photographs can be found at

Every day before sunrise this eagle’s mate comes in to take its turn on the nest… Photo courtesy of Paul Cyr Photography
Red Maple trees are flowering, this picture taken in Kittery, Dma&g map 1 fails to show the beauty of these delicate first flowers of spring high in the branches overhead.
The flowers are scarlet or yellow-red and appear before the leaves. The second picture is of a Red Maple flower that has dropped from the tree and landed on Wintergreen/Checkerberry leaf.
Look closely and you can see a Red Maple Leaf amid the White Pine Needles.
are overlooked
only when we take the time
can we really see
there is beauty under foot.
The New Moon is on the 10th making this week a good time to star gaze. The mighty hunter Orion and his faithful dog Sirius can still be seen after sunset in the West. This constellation will not be visable again until fall because during the summer months, it is overhead in the daylight hours.
While you are out, take note of the position of the Big Dipper and other familiar stars and we’ll do a check in at some point this summer to compare. Tracking the stars is a great way to understand that it is the earth that is moving under the backdrop of the Universe.
Click here for this month’s Astronomy report by Bernie Reim published in the Portland Press Herald…
Talking about Stars, I’ve added a new category this week, People in Nature and the first to be highlighted is Astronaut Chris Cassidy, who is currently working on the International Space Station.
If you have never had the opportunity to sit under the stars and see the Space Station go over, it is an observation that should be on everyone’s list of things to do. Especially so with one of Maine’s own heros on board for the next six months. Click here to read NASA’s pre-flight interview with Chris...
Sighting Opportunities for the International Space Station over Maine Click here …....
It has been 53 years since the first weather satellite picture from space was televised. Click here to read a very interesting article on the improvements of satellite imagery that is used to predict weather....
Pictured are a male and female Downy Woodpecker. The male has a square red patch on the back of his head. In each picture the outer tail feathers show the black specks that are not on the larger Hairy Woodpecker. Characteristic to all Woodpeckers is the use of the tail as a prop and the zygodactyl feet, meaning 2 toes forward and 2 toes rear.
Wow! Your newsletters are very interesting . Thanks for the heads up on what to look for over here in Phillips, ME!
Thank you! Send along your observations and we’ll include them in the weekly notes.