Moose use an old skidder path for bedding and browse area. The achene of Bristly Buttercups hitch a ride on the author’s pantleg and doll’s eyes are silently keeping watch in the woods, all this and more in this weeks notes.
Weekly Notes, May 5, 2013
Bluets &Wood Ducks, Alewives & Sturgeons, Pickerel Frogs and Coltsfoot blossoms all happening without any rain in this week’s Maine Nature News.
January 20, 2013 Weekly Nature News
Highlight of the week was in Woodland Dma&g Map 64 – when Harry McCarthy observed 4 lynx in his yard. Lynx sightings are increasing due to a healthy population in Northern Maine and these handsome wild cats are not as shy as their smaller cousins, the Bobcat found elsewhere throughout the state. Read more here…. […]
Quoddy Nature Notes – Dandelions
The subject of any of my columns is whatever comes to mind or inspired by whatever I see or otherwise sense. After this inspiration I usually consult my own books and search web pages to insure the correct scientific name and any unusual characteristics, etc., then begin writing. Certainly dandelions (probably from the French dent-de-lion […]