Weekly Notes – October 6, 2013

Moose use an old skidder path for bedding and browse area. The achene of Bristly Buttercups hitch a ride on the author’s pantleg and doll’s eyes are silently keeping watch in the woods, all this and more in this weeks notes.


Cicadas certainly are an interesting bug that fit nicely with our present affection for stuff like, ‘shocking’, ‘scary’ and, ‘ the world is going to be destroyed by aliens’.

Weekly Notes, August 18, 2013

Don’t Move Firewood! Asian Longhorned Beetles, Mourning Doves and Least Terns. Please report Monarch sightings!

Weekly Notes, August 11, 2013

Blueberries, Goldeneyes, Perseid Meteor showers, Emerald Ash Borer and Hail in this week’s Maine Nature News.

Quoddy Nature Notes – Around the House

Tiger Beetles and White-Throated Sparrows are busy despite the frozen patch of snow that remind us that the garden must wait.

Quoddy Nature Notes – Spring 2013

Waiting for the Timberdoodle to know that spring is really here in the Quoddy Region.

Quoddy Nature Notes

Creepy crawly critters in the house during the winter months include Cluster Flies, Lady Beetles and a Pseudoscorpion in this week’s Quoddy Nature Notes.