This report in from Dave K. in Kittery Point, Dma&g map 1 “from Fernald Cove, Kittery Point Me., I would like to report that local inhabitants of the cove today for the first time have taken 7 goslings for their first swim. Water temp 53 degrees F, their little feet must be cold.
News from the woods that the Trillium are in bloom & Ruffed Grouse are drumming.
Like the name suggests, all Trillium parts are in 3’s. This member of the lily family is one of the earliest flowers to bloom in the woods. The Painted Trillium prefers acidic soil and is found in damp woods or bogs while the Red or Purple Trillium prefers rich soil underneath the deciduous canopy.
The Red Trillium is known by several different nicknames such as Wakerobin or Birthroot but it’s most distinctive name, the Stinking Benjamin describes it’s carrion scent reminding us not to pick it.
This picture of the Ruffed Grouse is a female bird that is demonstrating cautious behavior before taking flight. To attract females, the males make a drumming sound with their wings that some say sounds similar to an old-time tractor motor. It starts off a bit muffled like a thump that slowly gains tempo until it slows again just as it ends.
Warblers are pushing north, I observed a Black-Throated Blue Warber – zur zur zur zureee and a Chestnut-Sided Warbler – please please please to meet’cha They were busy feeding up on insects in the fading forsythia bush with no time for a picture.
This Black-Throated Green Warbler was in the mood to pose for some pictures for Dan Terrence in Kittery Dma&g map 1 zee zee zee zee zoo zee
Blooming Trillium and arriving warblers can only mean it’s time for Black Flies! Click here for this week’s Black Fly Report…. For questions & to submit reports, the Black Fly Report has it’s own email: Looking for repellent? Click on the Bye Bye Black Fly in the upper left sidebar and place your order today!
After a spell of dry weather that put the fire danger across the state on High, there has been some relief with rain over the past few days. As the clouds clear out the Waxing Crescent moon can be seen in the west just after sunset.
The National Weather Service has begun to issue the Frost and Freeze Reports. Below is a map from NWS in Gray showing planting dates for Southwest Maine. NWS in Caribou is predicting Frost this week!
This week as we celebrate Mother’s Day we highlight Rachel Carson. Although she did not have any children of her own, she tells of taking her nephew Roger outside to explore along the Maine coast. Rachel’s book A Sense of Wonder is an inspiration for each of us in taking children outside to delight in nature. This quote is from Rachel,
“I can remember no time even in earliest childhood, when I didn’t assume I was going to be a writer. Also, I can remember no time when I wasn’t interested in the out-of-doors and the whole world of nature. Those interests, I know, I inherited from my mother and have always shared with her.” —Rachel Carson on her mother.
Below is a picture of Northern Downy Violet observed in Auburn Dma&g map 5.