Book Review: Maine’s Favorite Birds by Jeffrey V. Wells & Allison Childs Wells

Jeffrey V. Wells and Allison Childs Wells
Illustrated by Evan Barbou
Tilbury House Publishers
Publication Date: May 1, 2012
Paperback, $15, ISBN 978-0-88448-336-6
6 x 9, 72 pages, 100+ color paintings

Maine’s Favorite Birds by Jeffrey V. Wells & Allison Childs Wells

Maine’s Favorite Birds by Jeffrey V. Wells and Allison Child Wells was written as a guide for beginner and intermediate birds as well those who are advanced. The Wells’ have extension personal knowledge and hands-on experience with birds that they share in easy-to-understand descriptions of each bird.

Birds are grouped together in ways that make sense to new birders either because they are common in a particular habitat or look alike. This was very helpful to me because “it looks like” comes to mind often while I’m birding.

Also helpful, Tools of the Birding Trade tells us what we need to take with us on a birding trip and why we need these items. Learning the Field Marks explains bird anatomy with well labeled, clearly drawn illustrations. This information is contained to one page and eliminates flipping back and forth. It’s very handy. Five pages of birding hotspots cover the state, providing information on birds you’re likely to see and where you’ll see them.

The hand painted illustrations are exceptional. Evan Barbour brings birds to life on paper. His paintings are by far the best of any I’ve seen. The details are amazing and the colors beautiful.

The book is small in size at 6 x 9. It fits easily into my pocketbook, backpack and glove box. It’s easy to hold the book in one hand, binoculars in another, and not lose your place. Beginner to expert, I think every birder should have this book in their library.