Weekly Notes, May 5, 2013

Bluets &Wood Ducks, Alewives & Sturgeons, Pickerel Frogs and Coltsfoot blossoms all happening without any rain in this week’s Maine Nature News.

Weekly Notes, March 10, 2013

Bohemian Waxwings and Snow Buntings visit from the north, a lesson to understand the new moon while marcescence leaves whisper the promise of spring and lichen bloom.

Weekly Notes February 10, 2013

Barred Owls, Spalted Maple, Bald-faced Hornets and Nemo all in this week’s Maine Nature News.

Skowhegan (Map 21)

I am sending a photo of a mushroom I saw this morning. I have seen it once or twice in the past. The color is so unusual…..Also saw a large flock of crows—–maybe 75 or 100—while I was out. They were calling loudly to let me know of their passing. Perhaps they are telling us […]

Mushrooms and Pests – Skowhegan (Map 3)

All the rain and high humidity are producing lots of mushrooms in new places. This clump appeared yesterday right next to a huge oak stump. They look a lot like the edible field mushrooms but I can’t be sure. Any ideas? (Please send them to the reports email address.) Today I looked at my tomato […]