On a dead-cold day in January the Rockcap Fern gently waves its green finery.
Weekly Notes – May 19, 2013
Moose are on the move, migrants are settling into their summer habitats, the black fly report and fiddleheads in this week’s Maine Nature News!
Weekly Notes – April 21, 2013
Honey bees, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Ice-out, a visit to the Maine Wildlife Park and Nature Journals in this week’s Maine Nature News.
Quoddy Nature Notes – Ferns
Ferns Ferns are not high on my study list. I don’t know why. Ferns have been around for a few hundred million years and have been tromped on and eaten by dinosaurs and everything since then, but somehow they just do their thing and don’t generate any enthusiasm from wannabe writers like me. The […]