Rockcap Fern

On a dead-cold day in January the Rockcap Fern gently waves its green finery.

Weekly Notes – October 20, 2013

Fall is all about color and I have found some butterflies and blossoms still lingering in amongst the fallen leaves not to mention the brook trout are spawning.

Weekly Notes – October 6, 2013

Moose use an old skidder path for bedding and browse area. The achene of Bristly Buttercups hitch a ride on the author’s pantleg and doll’s eyes are silently keeping watch in the woods, all this and more in this weeks notes.

Weekly Notes – June 9, 2013

Warblers at sea, Woodpeckers, Red-tails and woodchucks, Moose and Black Flies in this week’s Maine Nature News.

Weekly Notes – May 26, 2013

Common yellowthroat, greater yellowlegs, cedar apple rust, garlic mustard and injured animal concerns in this week’s Maine Nature News.

Weekly Notes – May 19, 2013

Moose are on the move, migrants are settling into their summer habitats, the black fly report and fiddleheads in this week’s Maine Nature News!

Weekly Notes May 12, 2013

Trillium are in bloom and warblers are pushing into their nesting habitats while NWS begins it’s Frost and Freeze reports and the first Black Fly Report for 2013!

Weekly Notes, May 5, 2013

Bluets &Wood Ducks, Alewives & Sturgeons, Pickerel Frogs and Coltsfoot blossoms all happening without any rain in this week’s Maine Nature News.

Weekly Notes – April 28, 2013

Cowslips, Hummingbirds, salamanders and snakes all make an appearance. New categories are added offering Volunteer & Events and a discussion on Public Policy in this weeks Maine Nature News.

Weekly Notes – April 21, 2013

Honey bees, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Ice-out, a visit to the Maine Wildlife Park and Nature Journals in this week’s Maine Nature News.