Deer and Coyote Tracks – Molunkus (Map 44)

A coyote followed a deer for several miles sometime between November 23 and 25. The track on the left is coyote. On the right, a deer track beneath a coyote track.

Fawn Hit by Car – Brunswick (Map 6)

This fawn was struck by a car traveling in front of me on Greenwood Rd. in Brunswick on Wednesday morning Aug. 31. There has been a doe with 3 fawns hanging out in the area over the past few weeks so I would guess this was one of them. For a while it laid in the middle […]

Robin’s Journal – From the Observation Stand

Sunday, August 14, 2011 Molunkus (Map 44) The power in the cabin comes from a generator in a nearby shed. It’s loud and disruptive; I don’t like to run it except to run the water and lights at night. The percolator glub-glubbed on the propane stove while we sat on the porch steps in silence. […]

Vanceboro – Cow Moose

In the past two days I’ve seen a young bull moose in Topsfield (Map 46), a cow and calf in Lakeville Plantation (Map 34) and a cow in Vanceboro (Map 46). They’ve finished shedding their winter coats; two weeks ago they were still looking scruffy.  The bull’s antlers are covered in very dark velvet. All […]

November, 2009

Sunday, November 15, Topsham (Map 6) From about noon on Saturday till the wee hours of Sunday morning over 5″ of rain fell here in Southern Maine do to the remains of Hurricane Ida passing through. On Sunday morning I took a walk or should I say splash along some of the trails of the […]

Rangeley (Map 28)

October 28, Rangeley (Map 28) It’s quiet up here in Rangeley, most of the birds have gone south from here, and only the winter residents are around, so it’s quiet. I did hear some snow geese fly over one night last week, And a friend has reported that she has a tufted titmouse at her […]

September, 2009

Volume 14, No. 9 What Is It? We have answers! Over the last three weeks I have gone to all my usual spots looking for milkweed plants. NONE! The dried stems from last year are there but none from this season at all. This is in the Biddeford/Saco area. Anyone else notice this? JB September […]