Weekly Notes ~ Phenomena of Phenology

Patience and persistence are found in studying the phenomena of phenology in nature’s ways.

Weekly Notes ~ Gulf of Maine Watershed

Where will all the snow go? Into the Gulf of Maine watershed, that’s where!

Weekly Notes ~ Cycles in Nature

Earth is turning, snow is melting, birds are migrating, March is month to observe the cycles in nature.

Snowshoe Hare Winter Adaptations

Snowshoe Hare have unique adaptations for winter survival.

Maine Master Naturalist Training

Maine Master Naturalist Training

Weekly Notes ~ January 2014

Winter weather roller coaster ride, LD 297, and observations from the field for the month of January 2014.

LD 297 Maine Forest Rangers, Training, Vests & Firearms

LD 297 will provide training, ballistic vests and firearms to Maine’s Forest Rangers.

Weekly Notes ~ Bear Cub

Dawn Brown from Second Chance Wildlife Rehabilitation documents the development of three yearling bear cubs ready to return to the wild.

Friends of Baxter State Park Youth Leadership

Youth Leadership applications due at Friends of Baxter State Park

Summer Intern Positions at Rachel Carson Wildlife Refuge

Posting for Summer Intern at Rachel Carson Wildlife Refuge