Notes From Joan

Today is one of those stunningly beautiful, brilliant blue sky days we have only in the fall. The freshly mowed lawn still has
patches of spring green and the trees are in every stage of foliage. Some have dropped hardly a leaf while others, the ash, for example, are mostly bare. The yellow and golds of the trees stand out against the pine and hemlock at the edge of the woods.

Yesterday afternoon my daughter, who lives next to me, came to tell me there was a dead porcupine out beyond my birch trees.

Yesterday afternoon my daughter, who lives next to me, came to tell me there was a dead porcupine out beyond my birch trees.  Frequently, when I find dead animals I put them on a stand I have where I put scraps for the crows and squirrels. This plan was strongly vetoed as my daughter has dogs that she was sure would somehow get to the porcupine. This was a very young porcupine that had been visiting here for over 2 weeks with no ill effects. The cause of death is a mystery.

The freshly mowed yard is filled with bids today, especially white-throated sparrows and juncos. The baffles I bought recently for 2 of the poles with feeders on them seem to be keeping the squirrels on the ground so the Purple finches, Pine Siskins chickadees, nuthatches and Blue jays are getting the seeds. Of course, the jays spill lots of seed onto the ground so the squirrels are not left out. A female cardinal also came yesterday.

There has not been a frost here yet. Consequently there are flowers lingering in the gardens. Anemones, fall chrysanthemums, calendula and a violet Morning Glory continue to blossom, as well as one or two roses. It was, however, cold enough in house today to turn on the furnace.